Rabu, 23 April 2008

Media Pembelajaran

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester : IV B

Foundation of Literature

Summary Chapter IV ( Internet-based project work )

The internet can be used as an access point and it have some lesson that important to our learners. In the context of doing project work, the internet can be thought of as an enormous encyclopedia because it gives our learners quick access to a wealth of information which they can use to carry out their project task. In internet usage more extensive project work , simulation and webquest. It was important to our learners because that help them in process learning in the classroom. And no specialist technical knowledge is needed either to produce or to use internet –based project. The use of projects encourages cooperative learning and therefore stimulates interaction. It is can often give them a more “real world “ look and feel, and provide greater motivation for the learner. Learners are not required to simply regurgitate information they find, but have to transform that information in order to achieve a given task. Examined how the internet can act as a springboard for authentic , relevant simulation work and as the source of materials which promote collaborative learning, communication knowledge sharing and higher level thinking skills. Explored the area of motivation and considered how this can be increased with careful task design and judicious choice of internet content. And looked at the methodology for creating and using webquest.

foundation of literature

Foundation of Literature

Siti Asminatun06211210026Semester IV BFoundation of Literatureearly modern english poemThe Hour GlassBy Ben JonsonDo but concider this small dust,Here running in the glass,By atoms moved.Could you believe that this body wasOf one that loved ?And in his mistress' flame playing like a fly,Turned to cinders by her eye ?Yes, and in death as life unblest,To have't expressed,Even ashes of lovers find no rest.Summary : small dust in the glass, it running and moved. it have'texpressed and believe the body has loved. and there are cinders inher eye. and in death as life unblest and even ashes of lovers findno rest.

Minggu, 06 April 2008

Foundation of Literature ( summary )

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B
Foundation of literature

Summary and reflection about Romeo and Juliet

This story tells about two feuding families. Romeo from Montegue and Juliet from Capulet family. Romeo and Juliet are falling in love , but their love don’t agree by their parents. Romeo and Juliet don’t care with their family who still feuding. Their love more important than their families. The finally they are surrender too. Juliet try for kill her self but she only fainted. All people think if Juliet is died. When Romeo heard Juliet died , then Romeo try kill himself and Romeo died. Suddenly Juliet woke up and see Romeo died in beside her. She try kill herself with to stab herself and died. I think this story is very tragic because this story have ending that very sad. I don’t agree when their parents to stare their relationship. All people have desire and love. And parents have to gave support for them. I have confident all people be happy with choice themselves. This story is like my sister story. Their love don’t agree by parents, and the ending they don’t married until now. and they still live.

Media Pembelajaran

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B

Summary Chapter 3 ( Using Website )

Using website is one of the easiest and least stressful ways of getting started with technology in the classroom. You can choose from authentic sources or ELT-specific sites, monolingual or multilingual sites, sites with multimedia, or just simple text , for those on slower connections. the web is a source of content which can be used as a window on the wider world outside your class, and is of course a readily available collection of authentic material.
Of course there are plenty of ELT websites which provide content that your learners’ can use, for example, language practice activities they can do their own they provide valuable opportunities for more controlled language work and are often a great help to learners who need to brush up on certain aspects of the language or to prepare for an exam.
Find useful websites for teachers , having good search skills means finding useful resources quickly, speeding up lesson planning and facilitating web use in class. For learner , it means being able to quickly accomplish web-based task, thus ensuring that the technology enhances the learning experience rather than impeding it. It make sense, then, both to acquire these skills and to spend some time sharing them with your learners.
There are three basic ways of searching on the internet :
Search engines: although there is large variety of search engines, perhaps the most well-known is Google. A Search engine is almost directly analogues to telephone directory , or any other database of stored information .
Subject guide : yahoo, derives its description of subject guide from the fact that it divides its content into subject areas, and sub-division of those areas.
Real language searches : your choice of search facility will depend on how you like to work, and which site you find particularly and useful.
Evaluate website : having found potentially useful website , the next step is to evaluate how useful and appropriate they are for the classroom. There are various standard criteria for judging websites which can serve as a starting point for your evaluation : accuracy, currency, content, functionality.
Planning lessons using the internet by this stage you will have found, evaluated and decided on a collection of web page which you want to use as part of your teaching. the next area to consider is how a technology based lesson plan will look in comparison with the sort of plans you usually produce.
A lesson plan – movie stars, upper-intermediate to advanced lesson concentrating on famous movie stars and their lives and work.. the language areas covered are : asking and answering questions, reacting to information and showing interest.
Warmer, introduce the subject by talking about learners’ favorite movie stars and their work at this level , a simple class discussion will work fine , but prepared to prompt with various subject areas : favorite movies ,recent, visits to the cinemas, forthcoming films, best and worst films, and so on.
Web, have your learners visit the sites and find an actor they are interest in-these are all audio interviews, with no transcripts.
What next , give each learners a chance to report back on what they listened to, who was interview were. Activities to do here, including : speaking activity :an interview, writing activity : a day in the life, writing activity: an interview, writing activity : a biography
Working with lower levels of language proficiency. Borrowed words, warmer, web, what next.
Web teaching dos and don’ts, planning carefully and adopting a structured approach to the way you use websites in the classroom should give you the confidence to try out different ways of introducing your learners to internet content..

Rabu, 02 April 2008

Foundation of Literature ( summary )

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B
Foundation of literature

Summary and reflection about Romeo and Juliet
This story tells about two feuding families. Romeo from montegue and Juliet from capulet family. Romeo and Juliet are falling in love , but their love don’t agree by their parents. Romeo and Juliet don’t care with their family who still feuding. Their love more important than their families. The finally they are surrender too. Juliet try for kill her self but she only fainted. All people think if Juliet is died. When Romeo heard Juliet died , then Romeo try kill himself and Romeo died. Suddenly Juliet woke up and see Romeo died in beside her. She try kill herself with to stab herself and died. I think this story is very tragic because this story have ending that very sad. I don’t agree when their parents to stare their relationship. All people have desire and love. And parents have to gave support for them. I have confident all people be happy with choice themselves. This story is like my sister story. Their love don’t agree by parents, and the ending they don’t married until now. and they still live.

Media Pembelajaran

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B

Summary chapter 2

Word processors can be used in many inventive ways, by both teachers and students. Teacher can prepare, create, store and share materials for their classes by using a word processing program. Considered why we should use word processors in our teaching.
Word processors for teachers: creating materials. Teacher has to already use a word processing program to prepare worksheet and materials for your learners. Looked at how teacher can work with word processors for material creation. Look at both of these two ‘teacher uses of word processors like inserting images and link, creating forms as : adding text box to your form adding a check sox to your form., adding a drop down-menu to your form and using track changes.
Word processors activities for learners, examined specific word processing tools such as interesting images and link, creating form and using track changes. Using word processor for creative writing, word processors also include dictionary, grammar and tools. Using word processor are not only capable of enhancing writing skills, but can also be excellence tools for introducing or practicing language. Noticing activity, an activity which encourages noticing of structures at lower levels. Collaboration writing activity is that of the collaborative story, where are story is started by one learner and or pair. Looked at how learners can work with word processors, for creative writing, language work and presentation of work. Using word processors, considerations. Considered some sample word processing activities.

Selasa, 25 Maret 2008

Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

Siti Asminatun
Semester IV B


There are two feuding families, Romeo of the Montague family and Juliet of the Capulet family, will both love and die in the course of this play...Sampson and Gregory, servants to the Capulets and Abraham and Balthasar, servants to the Montague family start a street fight, which is joined by Benvolio (Montague) and Tybalt (Capulet). Romeo and friends decide to turn up uninvited, Romeo hoping to see Rosaline, whom he still pines for...Lady Capulet discusses the idea of marriage to Paris with Juliet. Juliet keeps her options open. Unnoticed in Juliet's orchard, Romeo learns of Juliet's love for him. After declaring their feelings for each other, the two decide to marry. Juliet will send Romeo a messenger in the morning to make plans for their wedding...The very next day, we meet Romeo's friend, Friar Laurence. He wonders how Romeo can forget Rosaline so quickly but agrees to marry the two since he hopes this marriage it will end the long running Montague / Capulet feud...Romeo catches up with his friends Mercutio and Benvolio. Juliet's messenger, the Nurse, arrives and the wedding is set for later that day. The Nurse brings Romeo "cords" or ropes which will allow Romeo to climb into Juliet's bedchamber as her husband later that night... Act II ends with Romeo and Juliet's marriage. Benvolio and Mercutio (both Montagues) meet Tybalt (Capulet). Tybalt attempts to provoke Romeo into fighting. Mercutio fights Tybalt and is killed. Romeo then kills Tybalt. Escalus, the Prince of Verona banishes Romeo from Verona threatening death should he ever return. Juliet learns of Romeo killing Tybalt and despite being torn between her loyalty for her family and Romeo, mourns her husband Romeo's banishment.Romeo learns of the banishment order, realizing he will not be able to see Juliet again. Friar Laurence suggests Romeo go to Juliet's bed chamber to comfort his wife... Capulet, who does not know of Romeo and Juliet's marriage, decides that the marriage of Juliet to Paris must now proceed, bidding his wife to make Juliet aware of Paris' love for her. The day of the marriage has been decided; it will be Thursday.Romeo also buys some poison from a local Apothecary.Friar John explains to Friar Laurence that his letter informing Romeo that Juliet is not dead, did not reach Romeo. Friar Laurence tries again to inform Romeo of his plan and heads off to the Capulet burial chamber where Juliet will soon awaken.Paris mourns his bride that never was. Romeo arrives, opening Juliet's coffin to look at his love one last time. Paris fights Romeo whom he believes is desecrating Juliet's grave. Paris dies, Romeo placing him beside Juliet. Romeo takes his poison, kisses Juliet and dies. Friar Laurence arrives too late. Juliet, now awakens, asking for her Romeo. Friar Laurence leaves, leaving Juliet alone. Juliet kisses Romeo and stabs herself, dying.

Rabu, 19 Maret 2008

summary (technology in the classroom)

Name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B


Technology in language teaching with used technology especially the internet ,present us with new opportunities for authentic task and materials, and technology offer new ways for practicing language and assessing performance. and considered the causes of technophobia and suggested ways of over coming it. And attitudes to technology is a examined specific teacher doubt about using technology in the classroom and suggested some solution. Looked at a teacher access to computer and know solution and discussed the types of computer based activities you can do with your learners. Outlined the basic skills and equipment that teacher need in order to start using technology and their teaching and teacher can given solution about how implementation ICT in the classroom.

Senin, 17 Maret 2008

summary old english beowulf

name : Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV


This story tell about Beowulf . Beowulf is"The hero of all heroes," Beowulf, strong and courageous, is the prince of Geats. Beowulf defeats three gruesome monsters, two of whom are descendants of Cain. He have friend who help him to oppose as Aeschere, Freawaru, Ingeld, Wiglaf. Hygelac is Beowulf's uncle, King of the Geats .he help beowulf to oppose grendel and his mother. He have enemy called Grendel , He is a monster that is half-man and half-fiend. He is the first monster that Beowulf kills. Grandel mother is another monster that Beowulf kills. Hrothgar is the King of Danes. he help him to oppose Grendel. He has a great deal of compassion for his warriors and his people. This man isn't afraid to hide his emotions. This is important because at the time, according to the warrior code, a man was not to show his feelings publicly. He builds a mead-hall and names it Heorot for his warriors to celebrate success. when he to oppose Grendel, he killed for Grendel.

Selasa, 11 Maret 2008

Renaissance period

Name: Siti Asminatun
NPM : 06211210026
Semester IV B


'WHERE am I from?' From the green hills of Erin.
'HaveI no song then? My songs are all sung.
'What o'my love?''Tis alone I am farin'.
Old grows my heart, an'my voice yet is young.

'If she was tall? 'like a king's own daughter.
'If she was fair? 'like a mornin' o'May.
When she'd come laughin ‘ 'twas the runn in 'wather,

When she'd come blush in' 'twas the break o'day.

'where did she dwell? 'Where one's I had my dwellin'.

'Who lovdher best?'There's no one now will know.

'Where is she gone?'Och,why would I be tellin'!
Where she is gone there I can never go

this story tell about someone who is broken heart, she felt sad but she
always remember for him. she always tell in the heart and she never
forget him. but she has very disappointed because she never meet him.

Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

english teaching aid

siti asminatun
semester IV B

English Teaching Aids

Learning and teaching is the concern of the trained teacher. But learning is a complex process. It can however be defined as a change in disposition; a relatively permanent change in behaviour overtime and this is brought about by experience. Learning can occur as a result of newly acquired skill, knowledge, perception, facts, principles, new information at hand etc. Adeyanju, (1997). Learning can be reinforced with learning aids of different variety because they stimulate, motivate as well as arrest learner's attention for a while during the instructional process.

Learning aids are instructional materials and devices through which teaching and learning are done in schools. Examples of learning aids include visual aids, audio-visual aids, real objects and many others. The visual aids are designed materials that may be locally made or commercially produced. They come in form of wall-charts illustrated pictures, pictorial materials and other two dimensional objects. There are also audio-visual aids. These are teaching machines like radio, television, and all sorts of projectors with sound attributes.

It is interesting to note that a large percentage of trained teachers and those undergoing professional training courses can teach with some of the learning aids. They do so consciously because they know that the use have positive effect on learning outcomes as their cognate experiences during teaching practice supervision reveals. In an on-going action research by investigators in Winneba District, a survey sample of teachers with several years of teaching experience of between (03) and twenty-five (25) years, claim that learning aids improve methodology. They also claim that learning aids reduce their talk and chalk method.

Sentence building cards are a teaching aid that is inexpensive and easy to make and use.

They are useful to give learners practice in

  • word recognition, and
  • sentence recognition and buildin

Sentence building cards are a teaching aid. They allow learners to build sentences by matching individual words to words in a sentence that has already been written


Each set of sentence building cards consists of

  • a large sentence card with pictures and sentences, and
  • several small word cards.

The large sentence card has several illustrations drawn in boxes down the left side of the card. Each illustration has a sentence written in a box beside it. The illustrations serve as clues to the sentences.

The small word cards have words that match the words in the sentences on the sentence card.

The learner

  • looks at the pictures
  • reads the sentences, and
  • builds the same sentences by placing the matching word cards in the space below the sentences.

Alphabet books are sometimes used

  • as motivational tools to attract people's attention to books
  • as supplements to primers
  • to help transfer reading skills from one language to another, or
  • to introduce the sounds and letters of an alphabet.

An alphabet book is a collection of pages that lists and illustrates the entire alphabet.


Here are some features of an alphabet book. An alphabet book usually contains the following for each letter:

  • one or more keywords
  • an illustration of each keyword, and
  • the letter(s) in small and capital letters.


An alphabet book might include

  • all the letters in a language
  • only the vowels
  • selected vowels and consonants
  • sentences using the keywords and letters
  • paragraphs or stories featuring the key words or letters
  • an entire page of examples of the use of one letter, or
  • several letters on each page.

Minggu, 02 Maret 2008



Definition of Literature

The word "literature" has different meanings depending on who is using it and in what context. It could be applied broadly to mean any symbolic record, encompassing everything from images and sculptures to letters. In a more narrow sense the term could mean only text composed of letters, or other examples of symbolic written language (Egyptian hieroglyphs, for example). An even more narrow interpretation is that text have a physical form, such as on paper or some other portable form, to the exclusion of inscriptions or digital media. The Muslim scholar and philosopher Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (702-765 AD) defined Literature as follows: "Literature is the garment which one puts on what he says or writes so that it may appear more attractive. Panghilito Luigi added that literature is a slice of life that has been given direction and meaning, an artistic interpretation of the world according to the percipient's point of views. Frequently, the texts that make up literature crossed over these boundaries. Illustrated stories, hypertexts, cave paintings and inscribed monuments have all at one time or another pushed the boundaries of "literature."

Old english poetry

The earliest form of English literature developed after the settlement of the Saxons and other Germanic tribes in England after the withdrawal of the Romans and is known as Old English or Anglo-Saxon. The most famous work in Old English is the epic poem Beowulf. The only surviving manuscript is the Cotton manuscript. The precise date of the manuscript is debated, but most estimates place it close to the year 1000.(The oldest surviving text in English is Cædmon's Hymn)A popular poem of the time was "The Dream of the Rood." It was inscribed upon the Ruthwell Cross.Another poem was "Judith (poem)." It was a retelling of the story found in the Latin Bible's Book of Judith of the beheader of the Assyrian general Holofernes.Chronicles contained a range of historical and literary accounts; one example is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.

Alfred Douglas. 1870–

The Green River

I know a green grass path that leaves the field

And, like a running river, winds along

Into a leafy wood, where is no throng

Of birds at noon-day; and no soft throats yield

Their music to the moon. The place is sealed,


An unclaimed sovereignty of voiceless song,

And all the unravished silences belong

To some sweet singer lost, or unrevealed.

So is my soul become a silent place....

Oh, may I wake from this uneasy night


To find some voice of music manifold.

Let it be shape of sorrow with wan face

Or love that swoons on sleep, or else delight

That is as wide-eyed as a marigold.

This poetry there’s at 1870 and this poetry is story about green river at night with high place.

Padraic Colum. 1881–

An Old Woman of the Roads

O, TO have a little house!

To own the hearth and stool and all!

The heaped up sods upon the fire,

The pile of turf against the wall!

To have a clock with weights and chains


And pendulum swinging up and down!

A dresser filled with shining delph,

Speckled and white and blue and brown!

I could be busy all the day

Clearing and sweeping hearth and floor,


And fixing on their shelf again

My white and blue and speckled store!

I could be quiet there at night

Beside the fire and by myself,

Sure of a bed and loth to leave


The ticking clock and the shining delph!

Och! but I'm weary of mist and dark,

And roads where there's never a house nor bush,

And tired I am of bog and road,

And the crying wind and the lonesome hush!


And I am praying to God on high,

And I am praying Him night and day,

For a little house—a house of my own—

Out of the wind's and the rain's way.